And evidence has proven that the longer schoolchildren are out of school, the less likely they are to return. Schools across the country were frequently closed due to fighting and the threat of violence, and hundreds of schools and other civilian assets were looted and destroyed. Internally displaced persons, returnees and conflict-affected populations already living in dire conditions may soon face even greater danger to their lives and health due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the onset of the rainy season and floods, the UN agency said. Public access to information is a key component of UNESCO's commitment to transparency and its accountability. Parents are also thrilled to see their children returning to school. The long-term impact of extending the school lockdown risks ever greater harm to children, their future and their communities. The printed guidelines offer direction on concrete measures that armed forces and non-state actors can take to avoid military use of educational facilities, to reduce the risks of attacks, and to mitigate the impact of attacks and military use when they occur. Verified 5 days ago. SDG 4 - Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all, Cat II Intergovernmental meeting, other than international conference of States, SDG 4 Regional Steering Committee Meeting for Latin America and the Caribbean. The Minister of General Education and Instruction (MoGEI) has just announced that all schools in South Sudan will reopen on 3 May 2021. These include violence, exploitation and abuse (and) recruitment by armed groups, still going on, psychosocial distress and family separation. However, nothing can replace face-to face education. UNICEF is thankful for all the support from our trusted Education partners, including Canada, EU/ECHO, Norway, Sweden, the Global Partnership for Education, UKAID and USAID. Speaking during the launch of the event on Monday, the Minister of General Education and Instructions Awut Deng Achuil urged parents to encourage their children to go back to school. To better monitor, prevent, and end these attacks, the United Nations Security Council has identified and condemnedsix grave violations against children in times of war: Killing and maiming of children; recruitment or use of children in armed forces and armed groups; attacks on schools or hospitals; rape or other grave sexual violence; abduction of children; and denial of humanitarian access for children. As part of its investment in civil society advocacy and social accountability efforts, GPEs Education Out Loud fund is supporting the South Sudan National Education Coalition for the 2019-2021 period. A special emphasis should go to support their return to schools. However, the vast majority of children, if infected, display mild symptoms and recover well. Minister of General Education and Instructions Awut Deng Achuil during the reopening of schools launch May 3rd. For more information about UNICEF and its work in South, Follow UNICEF South Sudan onTwitter,Facebook,Instagramand YouTube, UNICEF and WFP Reaffirm Support for Free Primary Education in South Sudan, UNICEF works with national and State health ministries, partners, and community health workers to ensure all eligible persons are vaccinated, What it takes UNICEF and education partners to preserve career aspirations for school children across South Sudan, A path to improved education in South Sudan, Time has come to reopen schools in South Sudan. "I am happy that schools are going to reopen. Makuei also said restrictions on working hours had been lifted and that offices will open from 8am to 5pm beginning next week. Schools are safe places for children where they are protected from exploitation, abuse and from harmful cultural practices such as child marriage and early pregnancies. On the same event, UNICEF Country representative Hamida Lasseko appreciated the government commitment allowing access to education; while urging the ministry and parents to prioritize children. A joint assessment on the out-of-school children should be conducted involving all stakeholders including civil society. Parents are also thrilled to see their children returning to school. African Americans Could Invest $230 Billion In Africa By 2017, Living in Denial: Sweden and the slave trade, African Solutions Are Needed For African Problems-Prophet Shepherd Bushiri on his Corporate Side, Southern Sudanese Did Not Count On The Emergence of An Indigenous Oppressor When Opting For Secession. Students tried to keep learning at home,but Wendy Ahonda (16)explains it was no easy feat. UNICEF country representative in South Sudan, Dr. Hamida Lasseko, also speaking at the same event reiterated UNICEFs commitment to continue supporting the education sector in South Sudan. The reopening will happen in phases. South Sudan, the UN's youngest Member State, is marking its tenth anniversary of independence amid languishing political progress and a range of humanitarian challenges, the Secretary-General's Special Representative told Security Council members on Monday. Ms. Awut further revealed that the reopening of schools came after the Girls Education South Sudan (GESS), an education program, and the Global Partnership for Education, a partnership and funding platform that aims to strengthen education systems in developing countries, provided funds to enable distribution of water sanitation and hygiene supplies, thermometers, reusable masks and menstrual hygiene management kits. Phase 1 includes the candidate classes, Primary 8 and Senior 4, and will start the first week of October 2020. ", "It is important for us the organized forces to disseminate the booklet," said Lieutenant-General James Pui Yak Yiel, He added that "we are committed to distributing this document and enforcing it within the armed forces since we are also the law enforcers. To counter disruptions in education caused by COVID-19, UNMISS peacekeepers from Mongolia hand over school materials for displaced children in Bentiu. Hussein Abdelbagi Akol, Vice President in charge of Service . At the same time, we have seen growing evidence of the negative impact closed classrooms have had on children, including abuse, exploitation, child marriage and early pregnancies. You can sense the jubilation at Development Secondary School in Juba as senior four students braced the blistering heat to celebrate the completion of their secondary school examinations. In 2005, the Security Council established a Monitoring and Reporting Mechanism (MRM) to systematically monitor, document and report on violations committed against children in situations of concern around the world. Find out more about our work towards the Sustainable Development Goals. The pandemic has left the most vulnerable and marginalized even further off track when it comes to access to quality education. Students return to school in Juba, South Sudan, after more than fourteen months of COVID-19 restrictions. The Minister of General Education and Instructions, Awut Deng Achuil reaffirmed her commitment to protecting schools and protecting children. "To ensure what is in the book is understood and put into practice for the sake of our children, dedicated individuals must be tasked to disseminate the guidelines [and] communities need to be included in the safe school campaigns because, during floods, schools are often occupied by the affected communities," she stressed. Happy and excited, students jumped with joy after dusting the last examination paper- the day they havebeen looking forward to for fouryears is finally over. Yves Willemot, Chief of Communication, UNICEF South Sudan, +211 912 16 2888,; Tap Raj Pant, Education Specialist, UNESCO Juba Office; + 211 920 00 1102, This article is related to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. By John Garang Ayii Riak, Juba, South Sudan. May 4, 2021. Noel Kana is one of them, "I am happy to hear that schools will reopen because being idle is not suitable for learners. He also acknowledged the importance of monitoring and reporting grave violations against children in armed conflicts as per the UN Security Council resolution. Students tried to keep learning at home, but Wendy Ahonda (16) explains it was no easy feat. With 2.2 million children not in school, South Sudan has one of the largest out-of-school figures worldwide. Scientific evidence shows children are not super spreaders of COVID-19 and are the least affected by it in the region, with a mere 2.5 per cent of COVID-19 cases among children of school going age (5-18 years, WHO). I am very excited to enrol for my bachelor's degree in logistics studies; it is so appealing.". Juba School has reopened in East Africas youngest nation after closure for more than one year, despite the third surge of COVID-19 pandemic. Tanzania: Samia Hosts Rwandas Kagame To Advance Cooperation, Second Kenyan Pastor Arrested Over Alleged Mass Killings, All Roads Lead To Nairobi For 2023 Ibrahim Governance Weekend, Coronavirus South Africa: North West Health on quarantined Coronavirus COVID-19 infected patients, BGFI Holding Corporation a tenu son Assemblee Generale, AP Interview: Uganda's president says he's the one bullied, Oil market eyes Trumps health status & rising COVID-19 cases, Game Changing Mission? Schools are places for children to be safe and to be protected and also to access basic services, school feeding and so on.. Describing the "joy" felt by children and aid workers as classrooms reopened on Monday after more than 14 months of COVID . ", During the launch of the guidelines, the Undersecretary Ministry of Defense and Veterans Affairs read their commitment to the document as written by the Minister of Defense, Angelina Teny, "We shall ensure the concerned units within Ministry of Defense are instructed to start the process of observing the safe school guidelines," Major General Chol Diar Ngang pledged. Schools. So, my appeal will be to the parents across the entire country that all the children in this country must report back to school boys and girls together. Yes, children are at risk of infection, and yes, that is terrifying for parents. Groundwater, making the invisible visible. Learn about employment opportunities across the UN in South Sudan. There has already been a near-doubling of outpatient admissions in the last weeks, likely from malaria infections or reinfections, Mr Oyens said. A joint statement by UNICEF and UNESCO argued that children and schools were not the predominant drivers of the spread of the pandemic. UNESCO is the United Nations Laboratory of Ideas. And yet increasingly, evidence points to harm being done to children by not being in school. After the signing of the Revitalized Agreement on the Resolution of Conflict in South Sudan in 2018, many parts of the country saw a decrease in conflict incidents. South Sudan's Information minister Michael Makuei told The East African that the decision had been arrived at after a comprehensive study by the National Taskforce on Covid-19. She called for wider collaborations among actors to create a conducive environment for learning in South Sudan. We know that children are the least directly affected by Covid-19, are less prone to fall ill from it and are much less likely to spread the disease. Copyright 2023 United Nations in South Sudan, Caption: Bell ringing ceremony to mark the reopening of schools after 14 months closure due to COVID-19. Cameroon: Rights Groups, Women Organizations Want Urgent End to Atrocities, Human Rights Violations in NW/SWRs, Congo Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Project Paves the Way for Energy Security on the Back of Gas, Tanzanias Simba SC Lose To African Champions Waydad In A Do-Or-Die Quarter-Final, Nigeria: Cameroon Anglophone Refugees Turn To Farming For Survival, Tanzania: Dar-Zanzibar To Construct Longest Bridge In Africa Crossing The Sea, Appeasement In Khartoum-The Tragedy In Sudan Was Predictable. Seeing children at home idle is having a profound negative effect on children, especially girls that are being married off at a tender age," says Nathalina Samuel, a mother of seven children. And the states government should work with national ministry of General Education to develop the education sector, he added. The guidelines to be followed will be issued by the concerned ministries.. It says the country now records a decline of three percent of cases daily. The Sisters of Loreto already have Loreto Rumbek, which comprises a primary school, a secondary school and a primary health care unit. John is one of the beneficiaries of school materials handed South Sudan's Ministry of General Education and Instruction has announced the reopening of both secondary and primary schools country-wide in the national capital Juba on Monday.
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