Even when we get punished when we think we didnt do anything wrong we cant be disobedient. That is inappropriate and now you are now in the doghouse. 1. I have traveled to Africa, Asia, and many parts of the world. Jesus Christ did away with male rulership over women and clarified that women are equals to men. Lydia00, Eph 5:21 does not contradict what follows. Julie Anne, like Daisy, you too are filtering the Bible through experiences as well as using a logical non-sequiter. Guide to Implementing Christian Domestic Discipline Someone or something seemingly convinced you that you are not a full adult, that you are a bad (dark) child who deserve discipline. Meanwhile, I assume, you do not see your partner as a bad (dark) little boy who need you to discipline him. And do you realize that labelling people as abusers is a very serious and insulting thing to do ? You have decided that you are better than everybody, however humility and open-mindness are the beginning of knowledge. Christian Domestic Discipline Spiritual Sounding Board It contains articles on spanking in marriage, as well as advice on leading the home. AND GUESS WHAT?? When I was growing up, it was not in a household that practiced Christian Domestic Discipline. I know it will be very, very enlightening to many people. All of that IS ok? Does he get a spanking too? The whole verse says: 1Cor 7:4 The wife hath not power of her own body, but the husband: and likewise also the husband hath not power of his own body, but the wife. And it goes on: 1Cor 7:5 Defraud ye not one the other, except it be with consent for a time, that ye may give yourselves to fasting and prayer; and come together again, that Satan tempt you not for your incontinency. I would commit some offense that my parents/husband thought was wrong, I was told I was going to be punished, I would end up over a lap and afterward would be told to pray. Take any instructional material on domestic discipline and youll notice two things : knowledge symmetry (the man and the woman must comprehensively discuss and understand every aspect of this lifestyle), and psychological sophistication : the many psychological effects of physical disciplining (which only is one aspect of the lifestyle) are presented at length to both the man and the woman. Sorry, have not read anything here yet! If you are currently living (or have lived) the Christian Domestic Discipline lifestyle and you would like to share how it has helped your marriage or relationship, please email your story and mention that you wish to share your experiences with other people. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Julie Anne can be reached at: JA@SpiritualSoundingBoard.com, Kathi can be reached at: Kathi@SpiritualSoundingBoard.com. You need to give their views more serious study and attention. Just to give one example of an alternate interpretation: I understand the phrase he shall rule over thee as a description of one outcome of the Fall, not as a command that would restore things to their proper place. But that pastor I am speaking about, if she is worth her salt, will speak better words than me. Christian Domestic Discipline, wife spanking, Christian Patriarchy Movement, Spanking of Adult Children, Denominational Practices and teachings Two summers ago, I received a phone call from a pastor who shared his growing concern about wife-spanking in his family of churches. I agree with that. It is almost enough to make me hope that the doctrine of eternal conscious punishment is true, at least for some whose evil actions in this life are especially egregious. God made us women to serve and obey our husbands because he knows they needed help mates. There is no such thing as physical discipline of a WIFE, period. Wifes getting spanked like being spanked. When this day happens, the laws will already have been written but will not be enforced or taken seriously anymore, so with many regards, the state of women will be worse than it used to be because theyll be nothing clear they can do to improve their fate. Michael is worried sick over his wife's whereabouts, and he's determined to put a stop to her irresponsible behavior. (Do you know the difference between them?). All of these questions and more are answered in this podcast series. His wife is swatting him with a riding crop because he failed to be a good pony and iron her clothes. Are you able to support yourself okay? You already have biblical examples of women leading and preaching men such as Deobrah in the OT, Junia the Apostle, etc. But yes, you do have the right to not contact them at all, or seriously restrict it. The article was popular with over 600 comments. He is refusing to let her seek treatment for her current injuries nor let her use pain relievers, ice-packs etc. 50 SHADES OF GREY AND PATRIARCHY: WHAT EXACTLY DID WE EXPECT? Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own eyes. (Proverbs 26:4-5 ESV). I know have a tremendous amount of respect for my husband. I can see from your posts that you have major issues with men, Some men are sexist, selfish, or abusive pigs. So while I believe that Biblically speaking, married couples do have a great amount of freedom in how and when they make love, that does not extend to humiliation and injury. Not commenting on the way you cherry pick Bible verses out of context to make them confirm what they do not even talk about. I have never married. Previously I have shown Domestic Discipline to be both a Biblical concept as well as a historical practice amongst husbands for thousands of years on my Instagram page @biblicalsexandiscipline and on my blog Biblicalgenderroles.com as well as podcasts Good intentions yield more good intentions. . I disagree with secular feminists on most topics and am not politically correct., (Speaking of being Un-Politically Correct: Lydia00, Eph 5:21 does not contradict what follows., I agree. You can literally make the Bible say just about anything you want with some crafty proof-texting. Just like there are many realities behind the word marriage, there are many realities behind the term domestic discipline. Pompous nothing, but nothing. [redacted] never told anyone at that time, and there is no photographic evidence of the bruises or any witnesses. They plan these relationships and there is no knowledge asymmetry. Domestic I was too worked up to explain. 1Tim 2:12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. If you actually are a woman, how sad that you are participating in your own second-class status and actually defending it. I wonder if we could have the connection. This bullying is a means to exploitation, like most bullying. I debated putting this in the Godly ladies' thread but decided that I would risk my reputation to be thought of as forward because this is just too good to keep from men. Ive dated a few, been engaged to one. Our church is now my original church, and my bottom is now sore when ever it is needed to be. Like when my HOH was contemplating experimenting with our maintenance schedule. Founded in 2010, Thought Catalog is owned and operated by The Thought & Expression Company, Inc. For over a decade, we've been at the bleeding edge of media, pioneering an infrastructure for creatives to flourish both artistically and financially. Not to mention any basic understanding of Ezer Kenegdo where most of it starts concerning this issue. In fact, if such anger is not expressed, it must be suppressedonly to come out sidewise at some unexpected time. I know his preferences for what needs to be done & when he says end of discussion, that is it. Anderson saying, Its not common for someone to hurt themselves because theyre desperate for their husbands attention and their husbands not giving them the love they need and so they wack themselves. Well, to hell with him. Youve really got to be ok with the idea that people may live a life that you feel totally unacceptable for yourself if they freely consent to live that life. Christian Domestic Discipline Christian Domestic Discipline - 09-23-2011, 11:08 PM. No wife who has ever been spanked by her husband submitted out of fear? Oh brother, that was too obvious. I believe that the only people to spank a woman is a father, husband, mother, and maybe a disciplinarian. Discipline spanking on the bottom is NOT abuse, its called just that, discipline. You think that your intolerance is acceptable because you are on the side of political correctness. Im also arguing that you continue to blow bullshit and try to make it sound like wisdom. This perception betrays the fact that you are hating what you do not even understand. Wheres the barf bag? This is the reason tolerance is essential if you want your ideas to pass the test of time. Here are the limits: No spanking children under 2, and no spanking teenagers. When I left he was convinced that it was because of my friend and being led astray and away from God. I had another thought about thetransfer of headship in marriage. A Lone Voice, your voice will be really lonely in the SSB doghouse if you keep up with the condescending remarks. My name is Susie and my husband and I thought I should share with you what it is like for us to be involved in a Christian Domestic Discipline relationship. I wanted to thank you so much for all of your articles. And like you, I really enjoy being described as a feministit means a ton of different things, but generally its not something I get accused of, either. His wife helps with the teaching too. of Lone Voice, your general philosophies do not do much to help relationships work as is evidenced by the disfunctional state of marriages. DavidA Do not expect her to be silent through this experience though. She will need to learn some self-control with not crying out, or bite a pillow to keep quiet. Muslims and Hindus follow male headship. Advocating for women being in leadership is asking for equality and for what the Bible teaches; that is not feminism.. (Do you know the difference between them?) In my former church, we were taught by our pastor that civil laws regarding adulthood did not apply when it came to disciplining children in our homes. But when you seriously contend that there mere fact that our Lord appeared first to women and told them to tell the men negates the creation ordinance, Deborahs curse of wimpy Barak and the clear words of the Holy Spirit on this subject through the Apostle Paul, then I suggest you have really lost touch with the will of God. You see women in an inferior place. Use only an open hand, no objects Youre the one admitting on a public blog that you like to be spanked. Unless I am not well I cannot refuse to submit to Ben if wants to be intimate, usually when he wants to be intimate he keeps me naked after my Bath when I am sent to bed, he tells me no nightgown tonight and I know what that means. Now I have a renewed confidence in our decision to live a CDD (Christian Domestic Discipline) lifestyle.Hubby also informed me that we are going to be working on a habit I have that he cant stand. This subject makes me sick. This 3. The safety plan needs to be reviewed and modified whenever the situation changes e.g. I have believed for many years that this is actually biblical, and the husband should spank his wife. I think there were many times two which I was so disobedient that my parents would have not known what to do unless they had given me a spanking and set me straight. Dad took off my slacks and panties and handed the strap to my husband. I got a terrible strapping, my behind was on fire when my husband put me in the corner. Send in your testimonials! _50 SHADES OF GREY AND PATRIARCHY: WHAT EXACTLY DID WE EXPECT?_. I do not find your opinion disguting, but I find this tactic disgusting. Somewhere out there, a guy is trotting around his living room on all fours, wearing a leather thong and nothing else but a saddle on his back. Does the power differential matter? So true! As far as Im concerned, it should be called assault and reported to authorities immediately. When women were welcomed, for the most part, into the workforce and had independent means of support, the divorce rate skyrocketed. Michael is worried sick over his wife's whereabouts, and he's determined to put a stop to her irresponsible behavior. Role playing, for starters, is spouses pretending theyre someone elseOK, isnt that adulterous in its intent? his God-given authority and actually lead.. Nope, cant go there anymore. Jenna's Christian Domestic Discipline Marriage This 3. For anyone wanting many more articles, and explanations, and rebuttals to the sexist views Gen 2:18 And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. I would find that approach must less objectionable. (Daisy, it is my hope and prayer, by the way, that in the cases I disagree with you, I do so without being disagreeableblessings to you, and my apologies for when I fail in this). I am in my early 30s and this past 4th of July I was there and we had a bit of an argument. (also known as gender complementarianism, biblical womanhood, patriarchy) 1. My father could sit on his self worshipping bottom the whole time my mother suffered through pregnancy and birth, he did not have to dread horrific genital pain, he sure got a thrill that she did. Didnt the APA decide homosexuality is just fine? I dont know where the line is, but looking back now I think I can say that spanking even at 14 or 15 was not right and certainly not up to the age I was. None of the firearms are locked up. A Lone Voice just proves him/herself to be another dime-a-dozen abuser. And with those words, The Lone Voice Show is over and Spiritual Sounding Board returns in its channel and time slot. This new 3-part podcast series is not a like any of my previous writings on the subject of Domestic Discipline. But over it all was always this sense of control and he was the man. My wedding vows included a vow to obey and he would often remind me that God commanded wives to submit and obey their husbands as they were supposed to do towards Christ. You just posted most of my rapist and fathers favorite bible verses. Jamin would look at porn and tell [redacted] it was her fault he was looking at porn on the computer. I grew up in a home that practiced CDD, my mom was no stranger to dads strap that he kept on a hook is his study. She knew her Bible inside out, she just keeps quoting the Old Testament over and over. I mean, on Star Trek, Kirk listened to Spock all of the time, but Kirk was still the boss. So dont quote the half of a verse which you like, miss out the half you dont and then accuse me of distorting verses when all I did was quote them! Period. I write about marital discipline in a Christian home at my website spankingyourwife.wordpress.com. And the part of the body does not change it from abuse to discipline if you were to grab a stranger and hit him on the bottom, youd be up for assault charges. I know this is true. I personally do not support enforcing religious views by law because I believe in God-given freewill. I asked [redacted] how it made her feel emotionally, if she was scared for her life. It was there that I met Christ and started down my path to happiness. The argument is that its consensual. And no, the experiences, however bad, do not nullify the word of God. (I dont have much time or interest right now to go through and read all comments left to me since I last was here, or comment on them all.) He is very particular about how he runs his household, his likes and dislikes. I soon found out that he was. Most of these husbands never believed their wives would ever accept CDD, but today the majority of their wives do. Im sure not everyone will agree with me, but in light of common sense and Jesus character, its what makes sense to me. Well, 100pinkapples, lone wolf comes around to accuse you of being in a rage. We were soon an item and when marriage started to be a clear part of our future, I nervously brought up the subject of CDD. Homos are gettin married. Beautiful Surrender: 13 Godly Christian Wives WebBDSM provides a helpful framework for communication and safe, consensual exploration. To correct bad behavior, and when done biblically, it isnt wrong to spank a wife. And I was told that since I was acting immaturely, this was the consequence. We met through church but I dont know what his family background was. I know I am a question box but I also know that what you experienced is going on in homes around the country and people just like you are labeling it as normal just because of what you described because parents are taught that its ok to spank children even through adulthood as long as they are under the fathers roof. Guided Wife A blog on my desire to be virtuous and submissive Wolf goes on to demandnot suggest, but demandthat you forgive. Dont just believe what an individual survivor tells you: though survivors have much wisdom based on their own experiences, their own experiences may not be generalisable to others completely, and this applies ESPECIALLY in regards to legal options. (LogOut/ Continue reading. You are interpreting the Scriptures in error, just as the Pharisees did. Youre filtering Scriptures not only through your experiences, but also a previous assumption that God approves and condones patriarchy, and you read that back into the Bible. No, Im sorry, you are acting heartless. In this first article we will demonstrate how the practice of domestic discipline aligns perfectly with Biblical principles and commands regarding marriage. Why cant we just boldly say spankings is always abusive, because hitting people is abusive? Ive been thinking about this quite a bit. 1986)., Yeah, it even helps to read an interlinear every now and then and do a bit of Greek/Hebrew study. So anyway, of course God gives our husband and other authority persons who have our husbands permission to punish us. Guest Post: A DD relationship, where the HoH gets spanked. I thought the periods might have been missing letters for a larger word. The modesty issue and him not wanting you to get any kind of lingerie shows a real distorted view of sexuality. It was not like he was drunk and beating me with his fists. I debated putting this in the Godly ladies' thread but decided that I would risk my reputation to be thought of as forward because this is just too good to keep from men. Did you tell him why you were leaving? Our church also pushed heavily this idea of modesty even at young levels. IMO. Christian Domestic Discipline (Wife Spanking s Christian Domestic Discipline Marriage Cant get strength that will defend them a la Roy Rogers, so you get strength that will slap you around a la Gray or John Wayne in his worse moments. Women and little girls suffer through the pain and agony of pregnancy and childbirth. I see only 3.5% of Americans traveled overseas in 2009 (when the study was done). Finally, at the risk of getting my very own self consigned to the SSB Doghouse, who is this Lone Voice who comes around lecturing on forgiveness, especially when he gives every evidence of being the sort who is highly apt to provoke the very need forgivenessand that on an ongoing basis.
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