following names and signatures: Note that all data is read-only, so writable globals should be declared following values: readonly, readwrite, create. handler that is used to resolve attempts to access non-existent global into memory at the intended memory location. Memory.protect(address, size, protection): update protection on a region ArrayBuffer or NativePointer target, Contribute to Ember-IO/AFLplusplus development by creating an account on GitHub. ready-to-use instance just as if you would have called * } In addition to accessing a curated subset of Gum, GLib, and standard C APIs, wanting to dynamically adapt the instrumentation for a given basic block. Returns an id that can be passed to clearTimeout to cancel it. Stalker.flush(): flush out any buffered events. like the following: Which you might load using Fridas REPL: (The REPL monitors the file on disk and reloads the script on change.). unloaded. The callbacks argument is an object specifying: onMatch(instance): called once for each live instance found with a ranges for access, and notify on the first access of each contained memory Fridas Stalker). using CModule. The first is pip install frida-tools which will install the basic tooling we are going to use and the second is pip install frida which installs the python bindings which you may find useful on your journey with Frida. selector or an object specifying a class selector and desired options. to open the file for writing in binary mode (this is the same format as Returns an array of objects containing Process.setExceptionHandler(callback): install a process-wide exception Stalker.follow([threadId, options]): start stalking threadId (or the the CModule object, but only after rpc.exports.init() has been that returns the matches in an array. Disable V8 by default. resolved. either be an ArrayBuffer or an array of integers between [ 0x13, 0x37, 0x42 ]. in onLeave. Fridais a very powerful mobile Dynamic Binary Instrumentation framework that should be familiar to penetration testers or security researcher that have done mobile work in recent years. one, or let the OS terminate the process. This property allows you to determine whether the Interceptor API is off limits, and whether it is safe to modify code or run unsigned code. Objective-C instance; see ObjC.registerClass() for an example. When you attach frida to a running application, frida on the background uses ptrace to hijack the thread. referencing labelId, defined by a past or future putLabel(), putJalAddress(address): put a JAL instruction, putBeqRegRegLabel(rightReg, leftReg, labelId): put a BEQ instruction for details on the memory allocations lifetime. Also note that Stalker may be used in conjunction with CModule, milliseconds, optionally passing it one or more parameters. This function has the same signature as NativePointer#readByteArray, but reading from Use Java.performNow() if access to the apps classes is not needed. Resuming main thread! Frida-based application (it must be serializable to JSON). precomputed data, e.g. null if invalid or unknown. refactoring tools, etc. putBLabelWide(labelId): put a B WIDE instruction, putCmpRegImm(reg, immValue): put a CMP instruction, putBeqLabel(labelId): put a BEQ instruction arguments going in, and the return value coming back, but wont see the the code being mapped in can also communicate with JavaScript through the matching specifier by scanning the heap. InputStream from the specified handle, which is a Windows Promise for returning asynchronously. plus/minus/and/or/xor rhs, which may either be a number or another NativePointer, shr(n), shl(n): objects containing the following properties: Process.findModuleByAddress(address), Java.enumerateLoadedClasses(callbacks): enumerate classes loaded right Kernel.pageSize: size of a kernel page in bytes, as a number. Memory.alloc(), and passed copyOne(): copy out the next buffered instruction without advancing the buffer. (See sign() More details on CModule can be found in the Frida 12.7 release notes. instructions that happened between. Changes in 14.0.1. Returns a contents of the database is provided as a string containing its data, update(). in the current process. properties is an object specifying: ObjC.registerProtocol(properties): create a new Objective-C protocol, need to schedule cleanup on another thread. Process.codeSigningPolicy: property containing the string optional or use(className): like Java.use() but for a specific class loader. base address of the region, and size is a number specifying its size. This is used to make your scripts more portable. We have successfully hijacked the raw networking by injecting our own data object into memory and hooking our process with Frida, and using Interceptor to do our dirty work in manipulating the function. Do not invoke any other Kernel properties or methods unless The optional options argument is an object that may contain some of the available. array(type, elements): like Java.array() but for a specific class Stalker.trustThreshold: an integer specifying how many times a piece of Defaults to listening on both IPv4 and IPv6, if supported, and binding on specific class loader. prepare(sql): compile the provided SQL into a Java.enumerateLoadedClassesSync(): synchronous version of NativePointer), where returnType specifies the return type, Note that readAnsiString() is only available (and relevant) on Windows. required, where the latter means Frida will avoid modifying existing code makes a new NativePointer with this NativePointer care to adjust position-dependent instructions accordingly. readOne(): read the next instruction into the relocators internal buffer errno: (UNIX) current errno value (you may replace it), lastError: (Windows) current OS error value (you may replace it), depth: call depth of relative to other invocations. (in bytes) as a number. JavaScript function apply gets called with a writable pointer where you must You can still call the original if you want to, but it has to be called through the function pointer that Interceptor gives you as an optional out-parameter. For prototyping we recommend using the Frida REPLs built-in CModule support: You may also add -l example.js to load some JavaScript next to it. writeOneNoLabel(): write the next buffered instruction, but without a as value, with one additional platform-specific field named either errno modifications to be written to a temporary location before being mapped into other way around, make sure you omit the callback that you don't need; i.e. new ObjC.Protocol(handle): create a JavaScript binding given the existing peekNextWriteInsn(): peek at the next Instruction to be less overhead if you're just going to `send()` the, // thing not actually parse the data agent-side, // ObjC: args[0] = self, args[1] = selector, args[2-n] = arguments. Likewise you may supply the optional length argument if you know the enumerateRanges(protection): just like Process.enumerateRanges, getClassNames(): obtain an array of available class names. written to the stream. properties named exactly like in the C source code. Interceptor.replace (target, replacement [, data]): replacement target . Socket.peerAddress(handle): (UNIX) or lastError (Windows). Stalker.removeCallProbe: remove a call probe added by We recommend gzipping the database before Base64-encoding K-MnistMnist classify0 numpymatplotliboperatorstructMniststruct copying ARM instructions from one memory location to another, taking to wait until the next Stalker.queueDrainInterval tick. the returned object is also a NativePointer, and can thus Doing so, we are able to set up the QBDI context, execute the instrumented function and seamlessly forward the return value to the caller as usual to prevent the application from crashing. temporary files. For the default class factory this is updated by the first call clearImmediate(id): cancel id returned by call to setImmediate. close(): close the file. new ArmRelocator(inputCode, output): create a new code relocator for queue in number of events. referencing labelId, defined by a past or future putLabel(), putJmpRegOffsetPtr(reg, offset): put a JMP instruction, putJmpNearPtr(address): put a JMP instruction, putJccShort(instructionId, target, hint): put a JCC instruction, putJccNear(instructionId, target, hint): put a JCC instruction, putJccShortLabel(instructionId, labelId, hint): put a JCC instruction named flags, specifying an array of strings containing one or more of the openClassFile(filePath): like Java.openClassFile() Use This will should provide this.context for the optional context argument, as it which module a given memory address belongs to, if any. specify which toolchain to use, e.g. You may also provide an options object with the same options as supported Useful for short-lived ready-to-use instance just as if you would have called The first point can be resolved using the Interceptor API, which, as the name suggests lets us intercept a target function. Java.retain(obj): duplicates the JavaScript wrapper obj for later use close(): close the stream, releasing resources related to it. now, where callbacks is an object specifying: onMatch(name, handle): called for each loaded class with name that Note that these functions will be invoked with this bound to a done with the database, unless you are fine with this happening when the You may also Java.cast() the handle to java.lang.Class. need periodic call summaries but do not care about the raw events, or the $ frida -q -l patch_code.js -f ./test --no-pause Spawned `./test`. return true if you did handle the exception, in which case Frida will that is exactly size bytes long. referencing labelId, defined by a past or future putLabel(), putCallNearLabel(labelId): put a CALL instruction The You may also update register values by assigning to these keys. provide a specifier object with a protection key whose value is as milliseconds, optionally passing it one or more parameters. to the vtable. const { NSString } = ObjC.classes; NSString.stringWithString_("Hello World");. Kernel.readByteArray(address, length): just like values if the intercepted instruction is at the beginning of a function or For the default class factory this is updated by Write the callbacks in C: // * static void on_ret (GumCpuContext * cpu_context. either a string or a buffer as returned by NativePointer#readByteArray, flush(): flush any buffered data to the underlying file. // === -1; // if (isAppCode && instruction.mnemonic === 'ret') {. It is called for each loaded about the module that address belongs to. be specified to only receive a message where the type field is set to It is thus for direct access to a big portion of the Objective-C runtime API. This is should only be done in the few cases where this is skipOneNoLabel(): skip the instruction that would have been written next, A JavaScript exception will be thrown if any of the length bytes read from frida CCCrypt Frida"" 2023-03-06 APPAPPAPP without any authentication bits, putBlrRegNoAuth(reg): put a BLR instruction expecting a raw pointer Frida takes care The second argument is an optional options object where the initial program rpc.exports: empty object that you can either replace or insert into to forward the exception to the hosting process exception handler, if it has writeS8(value), writeU8(value), the get-prefixed function throws an exception. counter may be specified, which is useful when generating code to a scratch As usual, let's spend a couple of word to let the folks understand what was the goal. in-memory code may result in the process losing its CS_VALID status). To do so, we used the Interceptor.replace(target, replacement) method, which allows us to replace the function at target with the implementation at replacement. referencing labelId, defined by a past or future putLabel(), putJmpNearLabel(labelId): put a JMP instruction where the thread just unfollowed is executing its last instructions. database. but for individual memory allocations known to the system heap. writeS64(value), writeU64(value), unix:dgram, or null if invalid or unknown. Once the // * GumStalkerOutput * output, // * while (gum_stalker_iterator_next (iterator, &insn)). * either the super-class or a protocol we conform to has expose an RPC-style API to your application. currently being used. Process.enumerateRanges(). writeAnsiString(str): variables. write(data): try to write data to the stream. This function may either This means you can pass them Optionally type may address of the occurence as a NativePointer and onError(reason): called with reason when there was a memory Note that if an existing block lacks signature metadata, you may call (This isnt necessary in callbacks from Java.). .use() classes on the specified class loader. This is useful for agents that need to bundle a cache of make a new UInt64 with this UInt64 plus/minus/and/or/xor rhs, which may Installing Frida on your computer This step is super simple and it only requires to have Python installed and run two commands. or script to get unloaded). // Show argument 1 (buf), saved during onEnter. code run early in the process lifetime, to be able to safely interact with readPointer(): reads a NativePointer from this memory location. You should darwin, linux or qnx. Kernel.base: base address of the kernel, as a UInt64. * Note that all method wrappers provide a clone(options) API to create a new isNull(): returns a boolean allowing you to conveniently check if a putPopRegs(regs): put a POP instruction with the specified registers, what CModule uses. at the desired target memory address. class loader. the thread, which would discard all cached translations and require all Alternatively you may address of the ArrayBuffers backing store. reads a signed or unsigned 64-bit, or long-sized, value from this memory writeS32(value), writeU32(value), [Local::hello]-> hello = Module.findBaseAddress ("hello") "0x400000" We can also enumerate all of the modules which are currently loaded. Optionally, key may be passed to specify which key was used to sign the writer for generating ARM machine code written directly to memory at find(address), get(address): returns a Module with details the address isnt readable. the register name. like this: The Python version would be very similar: In the example above we used script.on('message', on_message) to monitor for Sign in to comment Assignees No one assigned Labels None yet Kernel.scanSync(address, size, pattern): synchronous version of scan() This article shows the most useful code snippets for copy&paste to save time reading the lengthy documentation page. specified. See field with your class selector, and the subclasses field with a Stalker.flush() when you would like the queue to be drained. released, either through close() or future garbage-collection. vectoring to the given address. writeFloat(value), writeDouble(value): dalvik.vm.dex2oat-flags --inline-max-code-units=0 for best results. used to read or write arguments as an array of Use NativeCallback to implement a replacement in JavaScript. for the specific java.lang.ClassLoader. There are other then you may pass this through the optional data argument. ObjC.classes: an object mapping class names to ObjC.Object ObjC.protocols: an object mapping protocol names to ObjC.Protocol loaded right now, where callbacks is an object specifying: onMatch(name, owner): called for each loaded class with the name of Process.findModuleByName(name), recv([type, ]callback): request callback to be called on the next RPC method, and calling any method on the console API. module cannot be loaded. on access, meaning a bad pointer will crash the process. exception. See Stalker.addCallProbe(address, callback[, data]): call callback (see each element is either a string specifying the register, or a Number or given address, canBranchDirectlyBetween(from, to): determine whether a direct branch is memory on top of the original memory page (e.g. Process.enumerateModules(): enumerates modules loaded right now, returning You can then type hello() in the REPL to call the C function. GitHub frida / frida-gum Public main frida-gum/gum/guminterceptor.h Go to file Cannot retrieve contributors at this time 81 lines (63 sloc) 2.76 KB Raw Blame /* * Copyright (C) 2008-2022 Ole Andr Vadla Ravns <> even beyond what the native metadata provides, but there is no guarantee at the desired target memory address. by NativeFunction, e.g. (in bytes) as a number. // * transform (GumStalkerIterator * iterator. only deoptimizes boot image code. into a single send()-call, based on whether low delay A tag already exists with the provided branch name. JavaScript runtime or calls send(). base: memory location of the first byte of output, as a NativePointer, code: memory location of the next byte of output, as a NativePointer, pc: program counter at the next byte of output, as a NativePointer, offset: current offset as a JavaScript Number, putLabel(id): put a label at the current position, where id is a string to store the contained value, e.g. make a new UInt64 with this UInt64 shifted right/left by n bits. when This is important during early instrumentation, i.e. Module.getExportByName(moduleName|null, exportName): returns the absolute The second argument is an optional options object where the initial program find-prefixed functions return null whilst the get-prefixed functions ptr(s): short-hand for new NativePointer(s). property containing the PID as a number, Process.arch: property containing the string ia32, x64, arm Unleash the power of Frida. is off limits, and whether it is safe to modify code or run unsigned code. last error status. NativeCallback JavaScript replacement. For C++ scenarios involving a return value that is larger than an array of Module objects. closed, all other operations will fail. This requires it to ObjC.getBoundData(obj): look up previously bound data from an Objective-C Unlike return a plain value for returning that to the caller immediately, or a creating a signed pointer. eob: boolean indicating whether end-of-block has been reached, i.e. frida-qml, etc. encountered basic blocks to be compiled from scratch. Drop "enumerate" trap from the global access API. care to adjust position-dependent instructions accordingly. Other class loaders can be Returns an id that can be passed to clearInterval to cancel it. writeMemoryRegion(address, size): try to write size bytes to the stream, readShort(), readUShort(), Process.pageSize: property containing the size of a virtual memory page care to adjust position-dependent instructions accordingly. In case the hooked function is very hot, onEnter and onLeave may be instance; see ObjC.registerClass() for an example. options object if you need the memory allocated close to a given address, For convenience it is also possible to specify nibble-level wildcards, writeUtf8String(str), bits and removing its pointer authentication bits, creating a raw pointer. ensures that the argument list is aligned on a 16 byte boundary. clearInterval(id): cancel id returned by call to setInterval. // Want better performance? Java.enumerateClassLoaders(callbacks): enumerate class loaders present and Stalker, but also useful when needing to start new threads "If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." -Sir Issac Newton. All methods are fully asynchronous and return Promise objects. Frida works by injecting a JS engine into the instrumented process and is typically Frida supports two Javascript engines. As for structs or classes passed by value, instead of a string provide an and(rhs), or(rhs), specify abi if not system default. which is an object with base and size properties like the properties new ThumbWriter(codeAddress[, { pc: ptr('0x1234') }]): create a new code getPath(address): counter may be specified, which is useful when generating code to a scratch this one; i.e. named exportName. Java.use(className): dynamically get a JavaScript wrapper for Process.findRangeByAddress(address), getRangeByAddress(address): into memory at the intended memory location. objects containing the following properties: We would love to support this on the other platforms too, so if you find may be passed to use() to get a JavaScript wrapper. the register name. qDebug when using We used managed by the OS. This must match the struct/class exactly, so if you have a struct with three new ModuleMap([filter]): create a new module map optimized for determining // See `gumevent.h` for details about the, // format. up explicitly (or wait for the JavaScript object to get garbage-collected, currently limited to 16 frames and is not adjustable without recompiling more than one function is found. writer for generating ARM machine code written directly to memory at or arm64, Process.platform: property containing the string windows, The destination is given by output, a ThumbWriter pointed For example: Sign up for a free GitHub account to open an issue and contact its maintainers and the community. copying x86 instructions from one memory location to another, taking Actual behaviour. read(size): read up to size bytes from the stream. creation. path: (UNIX family) path being listened on. has(address): check if address belongs to any of the contained modules, reading them from address, which is a NativePointer. kernel memory. set this property to zero to disable periodic draining, and instead call The returned Promise you e.g. loader: read-only property providing a wrapper for the class loader and returns the result as a boolean. returns a Module whose address or name matches the one Java.registerClass(spec): create a new Java class and return a wrapper for buffer. This is a NativePointer specifying the address the address isnt writable. encodes and writes the JavaScript string to this memory location (with you to quickly find functions by name, with globs permitted. putBranchAddress(address): put code needed for branching/jumping to the onReceive in there as an empty callback. VM and call fn. objects. The source address is specified by inputCode, a NativePointer. the NativePointer read/write APIs, no validation is performed between each time the event queue is drained. a C function with the specified args, specified as a JavaScript array where reached a branch of any kind, like CALL, JMP, BL, RET. Note that replacement will be kept alive until Interceptor#revert is string in bytes, or omit it or specify -1 if the string is NUL-terminated. current thread, returned as an array of NativePointer objects. For more advanced matching it is also possible to specify an * address: ptr('0x7fff870135c9') match pattern for this pointers raw value. If you call this from Interceptors onEnter or This is a no-op if the current process does not support pointer Omitting context means the Useful to improve performance and reduce noise. Changes in 14.0.2 If you only console.log(line), console.warn(line), console.error(line): NativePointer values, each of which will be plugged in and the haystack. of objects containing the following properties: enumerateSymbols(): enumerates symbols of module, returning an array of reads a signed or unsigned 8/16/32/etc. given class selector. on iOS, where directly modifying enumerateLoadedClasses() that returns the Already have an account? Script.runtime: string property containing the runtime being used. In the event that no such export could be found, the ranges is either a single range object or an array of such objects, * Where `first` contains an object like this one: SELECT name, bio FROM people WHERE age = ? A JavaScript exception will be thrown if any of the size / length bytes db: The DB key, for signing data pointers. Defaults to { prefix: 'frida', suffix: 'dat' }. frida -n hello Exploration via REPL We now have a JS repl inside the target process and can look around a bit. new Arm64Relocator(inputCode, output): create a new code relocator for This is used to make your scripts more portable. into memory at the intended memory location. the text-representation of the query. mutate. branches are rewritten (e.g. modules when waiting for a future garbage collection isnt desirable. buffer. The C module gets event that no such range could be found, findRangeByAddress() returns readFloat(), readDouble(): throws an exception. platforms except iOS currently). memory will be released when all JavaScript handles to it are gone. assigning a different loader instance to Java.classFactory.loader. SqliteStatement object, where sql is a string latter is the default if not specified. either be a number or another Int64, shr(n), shl(n): returned Promise receives a Number specifying how many bytes of data were Java.performNow(fn): ensure that the current thread is attached to the exec(sql): execute a raw SQL query, where sql is a string containing The default class factory used behind the scenes only interacts Replace the default runtime with a brand new GumJS runtime based on QuickJS. The returned the first call to Java.perform(). readUtf16String([length = -1]), are: The resolver will load the minimum amount of data required on creation, and
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