Kensi once mentioned that Deeks had told her about how, one holiday a few years ago, Deeks' father had pointed a shotgun at him, but other than that he knew nothing about Deeks' childhood and family. The sooner youre in place the faster we wrap this up so Kensi wont kick my ass for spoiling your evening.. i get what deeks was saying about hetty, not seeing her with rose colored glasses, i had glimpses of that feeling throughout episodes. I just wanted to see you, he murmured against her skin, but despite the lack of volume in his voice, Kensi still caught the underlying tone that suggested greater meaning to his words. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Kensi was defensive of the woman shed so long admired, even if shed occasionally wanted to throttle her. Looks like Artie got a little singed, Callen said as he walked up. There was no time for decision-making, or regret, or remorse, on either end of a snipers weapon. For as long as theyd worked together, hed never quite earned the mans full trust, and now he knew why. Investigators should know that, dont you think, Sam?, Hes new to the job, G, Sam said. It is not how world works and once I learned that myself, life became much more easier. The emotions and thought processes involved with jumping into a relationship can vary greatly, and I love exploring all the different ways it could happen., Jessica237 makes a distinction between what shed like to see on the show, and what she does with her Deeks and Kensi. Densi. What if kensi has a little sister? it was about me. Sweet Lu explains, It was only during my last story did I get into their conversation about what the future might hold. He blew out a breath and tried again. She might. Posted on December 6, 2019 by amusement345 in Fan Fiction // 10 Comments. Hows Artie these days? He asked as he came around his desk and joined Sam in front of the smart screen. NCIS: Los Angeles (2381) NCIS (219) Hawaii . Too alliterative.. But the state of their family had been paramount in each of their minds. I cant think of why he would, if he couldnt even be bothered to Google me., This response drew an eyeroll. If you remember Hetty also told Callen his father was dead and that turned out to not be true so I think its a question worth asking. Shes driving back from Port Hueneme, he replied. What if he hasnt? m just going to appreciate her, for being who she is. Can you tell us more about your first day at work onNCISLA? The domestic Densi have been one of my favourite types of stories especially since December, when they went All in. Somebody she could save by bringing you into her fold., He gave her a lopsided smile. Mine was an abusive bastard. To find the stories quoted above, follow these links: We also asked each writer to recommend a short story they thought best represents their Densi. Hes joking, right? Deeks stammered. But there will always be that chance, she said. I thought you might be afraid of finding out about your family, like maybe something genetic or, I dont know, some bad piece of history., You mean, besides all of it? Deeks shook his head. You get angry, but youre never out of control. They are happy together, and theyve both faced their deepest fears to get there. Once theyd known, for sure, once theyd met with either relief or disappointment, Deeks made her an offer. Deeks leaned over to kiss his wife before starting the car. So, if your dad had been looking for you, he would have run into a wall.. He heaved a sigh that had been years in coming. Maybe for the first time in my life, I dont have a plan past tomorrow and it is awesome, Kensis smile was glorious. I mean they (Deeks and Roberta) live for so long without him now, and they have never tried to find him and we havent got any hint that Brandel has tried to look for them too. He sat up and took a long look at the sea before responding to her. Excellent! Very carefully, she placed them in the two chairs next to her mom. It suits you. Her hands went up in a flight of frustration. Not that I could guarantee that either of us would want to meet them., Aw, babe, that would mean our kids could have an aunt or an uncle. So what happened to us meeting at work this morning? Kensi asked in mock confusion as Deeks made his way around to the kitchen, pulling a t-shirt down over his bare torso as he did so. It was because having Bertie made him a son, and not just an agent. To both of us. Hmph. Deeks and Kensi talk about how the team will handle being without them during their Anniversary. He interrupted her. Shed even maneuvered both of those things to his benefit, when shed realized that he actually had killed his murderous former partner, and helped him keep the secret. Maybe.. How can we help fire victims? Period. When you put it like that, she wasnt wrong., He brushed the sand from his fingers. So the file could have been changed once she handed it over to Hetty. And youre still weird, Deeks. Deeks studied the features of the woman he loved so very deeply, trying to read her, not quite certain she was ready for this particular conversation. For a few hours a few, blissful, frightening, amazing, intimidating hours theyd thought Kensi might be pregnant. No one is supposed to know. Even within the department, I was a loner. At least I never felt the need to hunt her down and punish her for how she raised me. I also loved how supportive Kensi was throughout. Even if he didnt want to leave us alone, we are highly trained agents. Copyright 2023 That smell lingers, and I have big plans for Valentines Day., Okay. Because if it is or even if youre just thinking about what you already know, I can tell you for a fact that you didnt inherit any of that., You know. Its Valentines Day, baby., He was only supposed to observe, Kens, Callen said in his defense. She says, I think that now, when I write about them, there is more of a willingness for them to get together than in some of my earlier stories. Weeds had forced themselves up through the cracks in the concrete lot outside the old warehouse. You think that gets you out of playing a homeless wino when we need one? Sam asked. In their business, information is key. The emotions just seem so real and magnified in these situations and the emotional (and physical) intimacy between them gives me butterflies. And if youre worried about how it affected me, dont be. Maybe needy. It was a mixture of hurt and comfort. I dont care howdirty youare or how bad you smell. If theyd turned away from her, who would they have turned to? And Sam. Website Powered by by Wereleopard58 Many years ago, after shed drawn him into the circle of her team, hes shared a secret with Hetty or, more correctly, she had discerned his secret and shared it back with him. He'd been out of control any number of times, angry enough to kill, and maybe he would have, if there hadn't been others there to stop him. I wanted to see you before we had to be Detective Deeks and Special Agent Blye, he continued softly, wrapping his arms securely around her waist. Beyond it he could see light coming into the larger space from clerestory windows. They would have had to actually remember that my mother was a Deeks, and judging from the fact that I never laid an eye on a single one of them when I was a kid, Im pretty sure they have no idea of her name, or mine. You carefully took into account the information we do have and explored all the reasons why Hetty might have hidden the truth from Deeks. You really expect me to tell you that? Deeks shot back. Could I? So why bother? Well, why do you think she chose you?, Deeks reached down and started doodling in the sand. Kensi spent a moment considering where that left them. I mean, weve done our turn. Thanks, everyone, glad you enjoyed it, and I loved having the chance to visit with these very rich characters again. Thanks for writing. Or she might not. It was the only picture he had of his mom, the one he thought he had lost. Until the night Hetty had shown up at the hospital, after Kensi had been so gravely injured in Syria. She reached for his hand through the smoke, shouting his name. I keep a distance, because I can. So Deeks usually keep to himself and just agree with whoever he thinks it right. First up is what we call Competent Deeks, a Deeks whose skills and abilities are front and center, not hidden away behind his joking exterior or ignored by his mocking teammates. Deeks opened the car door for his wife before moving around to the drivers side. She laughed as the boat pulled away and he drew her to the railing where they enjoyed their champagne. I never wrote for fun before until my ECO-obsession. So she chose to be brief. Can you tell us more about your first day at work onNCISLA? Because I have a mother who loves me, and whom I love. He moved stealthily toward the opening, listening intently for any sound. i also agree they have a choice unlike callen and hunter and the one she had to kill. But how can I not?. "From my shower," Deeks answered, focusing on his computer booting up instead of letting the team see . Which thought made Deeks revisit his own relationship with the woman whod changed his life by bringing him into her fold. All images copyright their respective owners, no infringement intended. Youre hazing the new guy?, Youre too old to be the new guy, Deeks, Callen said. She rode alongside him for a while, then headed back to the sand, and simply watched her husband work out his tension in the surf. Havent you had enough fireworks for one day? She asked. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. (LogOut/ I want to talk about it. I mean, we each really only know one side of our family. Which is doubtful. Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (770), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Evan "Buck" Buckley & Dan "Hondo" Harrelson, Mac + Old Friends + New Friends + Chair Force + Jack (EAD 2023), Jack Dalton & Angus MacGyver (MacGyver TV 2016), Sam Carter & Daniel Jackson & Jack O'Neill & Teal'c, Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies), Original Bond Girl Characters (James Bond). i could picture their conversation in my mind and their gestures and facial expressions. Readiness could change, with time. Youre worried about what youll find?. Special Agent Loki Laufeyson by Skylar Wittenborn 98.2K 4.3K 89 After the devastating invasion of New York, the war criminal Loki is being punished. Now an NCIS agent, Alexa works alongside the team to solve cases. Will the team find out? It wasnt lost on him that theyd made this social concession to traditional roles on the way to meet with Kensis old friends and their husbands. How does your improvisation processwork? A pregnancy test?. I lost my dad when I was young, and you might as well have. If I wasnt in arms reach, he wasnt going to get up to chase me. This was an inside job, so these guys are military trained., Copy that, he replied. He knew exactly what she meant. They even took lives, much more often than either of them tolerated without considerable cost to their sleep and peace of mind, also for the greater good. A gray van was parked at an angle in the middle of the space, but he saw no one and heard no voices. Learn how your comment data is processed. Is that what this assignment is? . beautifully written and very in character. To better understand who he really is and what motivates him, let's take a look . Otherwise, itd get really weird, right?, Thatll save him from pretending hes not plastered against the other side of the door, trying to divine the answer by proximity. I didnt have to wonder who she was, or if she cared, or if she would just move on without me. Copyright 2023 He looked back at the two men just as the ceiling came down on top of them and the munitions started exploding. Feeling. He blamed Callen for this, and if he survived he intended to kick his butt for ruining what was supposed to be a perfectly lovely evening. Okay, but seriously, youre not worried about that, are you? What do you most admire about Deeks? Hetty shoots one of them, but they know they will keep coming, so Hetty and Owen have to hide out in a safe house together. Deeks would be forever grateful for this woman in his life, who so easily overlooked his faults and virtually willed him to reach his aspirations. Knowing what theyve been through and seeing what they have, it should be what draws them together.. Her goal in writing them, she says, has always been to put Deeks and Kensi together in as realistic a way as possible. The other, though, took his breath away. It was Hetty hed learned not to trust. I will never understand what takes you so long. And he spent his alone with his mom. Even if they dont want to admit even to themselves. Website Powered by Would the fact that hed tried mean that hed somehow reformed? This is not what I wanted for Valentines Day., Me either, he replied as shepushedhim toward the ambulance. He knew exactly what she meant. Learn how your comment data is processed. I think they might be growing on me., Kensi claimed his lips in return. And that the only reason I have my NCIS badge is due to her actions," Deeks said. Getting shot wasn't that bad in th. I just remember learning about some of what had happened to Callen, some of the ways shed manipulated his life, and how hed just been finding out about it, and I wondered. I mean, he had to have had some redeeming qualities for your mom to have been with him in the first place, right? Now go get dirty and smelly, Deeks, Callen smirked. From the look on her face, it appeared to be a dissonant one, and he steeled himself for disappointment. Sing-song-y response. What can we expect for Densi in Better Angels? Ive looked. I was always Martin Atticus Deeks. Her husband, and the man who would one day be the father of her child. Who I love. Thats why I was so good at undercover. What are the odds Im going to find something good in his family history? Jana knew that her . Dragged myself out of my hospital bed, and I, My hero. Only slightly in jest. But the time hasnt come yet.. Weve carried the baton, and it will be time to hand it over to someone else. Romance at your Service: Deeks Surf Log4/23/23. What did I ever do to deserve someone so willing to be my champion? Contact us if you are the owner of something and you would like it removed. Two writers named stories that include Densi in an established relationship. Finally, a taxi pulled up and a dark haired woman got out; an exasperated look on her face. Im not a Deeks well, I know, I am now, but I could go in as Blye. He knew she was thinking of the morning and the near miss hed experienced. Youre not at all like him., I choose not to drink a lot because of him. She loves Deeks more than anything, but at the same time, she has no patience for his shenanigans. Learn how your comment data is processed. Even though he had his badge, he couldn't shake the feeling that it was somehow unearned. The explosion knocked him off his feetandthe old wooden building burst into flames. I dont know, I dont know, and yes, you idiot.. Until onscreen Densi went all-in, I enjoyed these domestic stories but always there was that niggling thoughttheyre not there yet..not thereI was not keen on domestic Densi but now I am looking forward to re-reading this genre. Wow, thats great! Deeks slid along the back wall until he was able to see the stolen Navy weapons containers stacked beside the gray van. He jumped right infront of the bullet to safe his partner and best friend Sam from being shot in the back. #Densi. Id say my Densi relationship is a much more developed one since they are married with children and also older than they presently are on the show. Whats your favorite NCISLA Christmasepisode? Diane | Founder, Writer, & Contributing Editor, Follow wikiDeeks | Marty Deeks | NCISLA on Abused ~A Young NCIS LA Fanfiction by Asher-Wyatt. Hoping that it wasnt actually the devil she was advocating for. A case with a kidnapped violin prodigy reminds Deeks how much he loved his childhood best friend, Luther, and ends with a surprising revelation about his past. Shes dangerous when shes mad., Watch yours, Deeks, he replied. And my file confirmed it. Correction. I mean, its not an all-or-nothing deal, right?, No, of course its not. deeks. Putting our souls at risk?, Weve killed people, Kens. We can fight the good fight, but not from the front lines. Shed made countless mistakes, as every parent does, and shed even left him to the whims of his alcoholic father one time too many. She always has a reason. I already wrote here on this site that I am immensely happy that we met Roberta and learned how much she loves and is proud of her son. I think it would be natural for Deeks to wonder about the validity of his fathers death. I love the character Marty Deeks, love writing about him and love watching ECO bring him to life. Looking forward to season 13 beginning next week! Owen and Hetty are targeted by a group that has been trying to get to them for years. Hed gone to her for life advice a time or two, and been the recipient of even more of it, unsolicited. Even with LAPD you worked under cover. But come on, guys. You can debrief him after he sees a paramedic.. He's overcome adversity and frequently proven that he'll do the right thing, so it raised a few eyebrows when Internal Affairs began to investigate him. So its not enough to just give you candy and flowers., I think youre hallucinating, baby, she said with a concerned smile. It was never about me. Romance at your Service: Deeks Surf Log 4/23/23. The waves called to him, as they always did, and he felt a certain calm returning to his body. All images copyright their respective owners, no infringement intended. Kensi was too well acquainted with regret not to play devils advocate. You always make me feel such strong emotions and this story was no exception. It was Valentines Day, yet somehow he had ended up in this dilapidated warehouse down by the port that was burning down around him. But if something happens on the show, if you have decent continuity, it does get carried forward and in my opinion, it tends to color everything that happens from that point forward To me, the fun part is writing what hasnt happened and what probably wont happen., He takes the bag and looks inside. This place doesnt look very secure. Not so with Callen. What kind of journey can we expect for Deeks in Season10? I think thats a touch, G, Sam laughed. Tess DiCorsi is a big fan of them established as a couple. Completed captainamerica humor nickfury +17 more # 6 Completed - Behavioural Analysis. It always amazed me how Deeks was able to overcome his terrible upbringing by a drunk father and a mother who was incapable of protecting him. Im looking forward to every minute of them with you but do you have any idea what were doing?, Nope. Maybe. I cant bring myself to believe the Nellster would have lied to me about something like that, but it doesnt mean she didnt find something she was meant to find., Kensi understood. Im not complaining., Good, because honestly, I lost my razor about fifteen years ago, and He stopped abruptly, just at the doorsill of their entryway. Still, if Deeks was right, So you think your father might still be alive., He took a long time to raise and lower his shoulders in a shrug. But she still loved the woman, and she understood how Deeks could say he did as well. I can tell somethings still eating at you. Before he could respond and, mostly because she could see that he was not about to she added, Was it the baby stuff? I just dont want to be late for brunch. "Are you ready to spend the day with nana?" I could stay., The writers who bring Densi together dont necessarily make things too easy for them. Just for being in his life. He was more an abuser-of-convenience when I was a kid. What kind of journey can we expect for Deeks in Season10? Maybe I dont shave so I wont blind you with the rosy glow of my youthful cheeks. Displaying those cheeks six inches from her face. Marty Deeks walked into the NCIS OPS seeing Callen and Sam argue on their daily debate which his partner, Kensi would join into. Im just saying that, when I was in the hospital, when she had to consider that I might actually have family, she might have taken steps to make sure that I didnt. Thats reassuring. Is Artie on a date or something? Sam asked with a slight grin. Part 4 of Tony, . document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Who are some of your dream guest stars forNCISLA? Youre fireworksyoureyoure a rock and roll band, baby, the dragon at Chinese New Years, the Aurora Borealis, youre all the stars in the skyyoure sunshine and gunpowder, Kens. The result of being too tired and miss reading the a tombstone at the end and it peculating till this came about. But what if we cant? Kensi was glad to see that Deeks apparent turmoil was not showing itself in the water. "Not my own accomplishments." Posted on September 19, 2021 by amusement345 in Fan Fiction // 9 Comments. Maybe theyll answer it for us. Selfies; Instagram; Facebook; Twitter; Pinterest; Flickr; About Us. Still, he was grateful for it. His question struck a chord with Kensi. They are still a team, like on the show, just a different sort of team., For other writers, this version of Densi does not come naturally. All theyd managed, so far, was a detente of sorts. Instinctively, hed always seen Bertie as a protective presence, even when shed been so woefully unable to protect him. Theyd talked about work, and kids, and their homes, and kids, and the bar, and kids, and. He rubbed his hands together and anxiously looked at all the cars, wondering which one was theirs. Maybe theyd hoped in the same converse ways. Right now we need Artie, and youre still standing here.. Not to mention that you did pretty much save Sams life. Hoping for a smile. What do you most admire aboutDeeks? Densi. He spotted a slightly open side door and quietly slipped inside. I think it would make for a fantastic episode of television, but alas, Im not so sure the showrunners agree. Surrounded by fire and falling debris, he ran toward the exit, finding it blocked by a collapsed beam. Not happening., Probably shouldnt considering we havent hazed him yet for passing muster and actually becoming an NCIS Investigator., Hazing? You wrote some great Densi conversation and you brought up the point that we almost know anything about Sams mother. If hes alive, what do I gain by connecting with him, or letting him connect with me? Not to mention the steaks and chops., Now Im hungry, Sam said. You already know how I feel about it. Something Hetty might have planted. She thought a moment longer. Somehow I was never angry or disappointed in Hetty for her decisions and playing chess with her agents.
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