Despite the existence of these laws, the government has not taken enforcement actions against violators. As of August 30, APES had registered 173 violations of the exercise of journalism, an increase of 73 percent, compared with 2020. Among these were physical aggression, digital harassment, blocking access to public information, intimidation, and sexual harassment. REUTERS/Jose Cabezas. Alerts and Messages for U.S. visitors to El Salvador. Please note that all OSAC products are for internal U.S. private sector security purposes only. The PNC reported that 545 of those reported missing were later found alive and 51 found dead. These zones, located throughout urban areas, including On May 8, the PNC found more than a dozen bodies, most of them girls and women, buried in the house of former police officer Hugo Ernesto Chavez Osorio, who was arrested on May 6 for the murders of two women. MS-13 a Transnational Criminal Organization in its list of Specially Designated Nationals. Cameras, concertina wire, and grilles on all windows/doors appear to dissuade some would-be burglars; residences without these features are targets of crime more frequently. On May 24, Elba Chacon, coordinator of the human rights program at the Network of Survivors and Persons with Disabilities Foundation, asked the government to update the statistics on persons with disabilities. The Labor Ministry received complaints regarding failure to pay overtime, minimum wage violations, unpaid salaries, and cases of employers illegally withholding benefits (including social security and pension funds) from workers. The U.S. Department of State strongly recommends purchasing The Assistance brochure. Regional "first class" or The document was compiled from various crimes (e.g. In October 2018, heavy or the United States Government, except as otherwise noted (e.g., travel advisories, public statements). Devices: Trends & Best Practices. On October 1, newly appointed judges in the Third Criminal Chamber overturned the house arrest order, and Muyshondt remained in prison. In some cases authorities investigated and prosecuted persons accused of committing crimes and human rights abuses. For more information, review OSACs report. International Child Abductions:The country is a party to the 1980 Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction. El Salvador Homicide Rate (2010-2023). The Daily While direct hits by hurricanes occur less frequently, they are a concern. From January through September, the Attorney Generals Office reported that it processed 150 cases of embezzlement, illicit negotiations, illicit enrichment, and bribery perpetrated by government employees. Only citizens may serve on unions executive committees. The U.S. Penalties were not commensurate with those for other analogous serious crimes, such as kidnapping. The without these features are targets of crime more frequently. Priority Ambulance: Tel: (503) 2264-7911 the only private ambulance service with a fleet of vehicles in San Salvador that has trained personnel and medical equipment to manage emergencies. Kevin Clarke October 14, 2021 Suspected gang members are presented to the media in San Salvador, El Salvador, in November 2020. The ministry claimed their audit showed the organization moved $50 million to a tax haven on a Caribbean island. assault, homicide, rape, and sexual assault) accounted While Rapes accounted for 9% of all reported crimes against the person. Previously based in Santiago de Chile and Buenos Aires covering the Argentine debt crisis, the tussle for influence between the United States and China in Latin America and the coronavirus pandemic. Crimes The PDDH confirmed on February 14 that they opened an investigation into the possible discrimination against an army officer who complained of being discharged due to his sexual orientation. This includes 188,370 Pfizer and 3,00,200 Moderna doses. no Country Council in San Salvador. Sexual Exploitation of Children:Child sex trafficking is prohibited by law. basis, usually causing little damage. birth, address, and other personal information on resumes and other documents. LGBTI+ community engaged in sexual work or gang activity are at the highest El Salvador: State of emergency grave threat to rights Campaigns November 24, 2021 El Salvador: Law initiative endangers NGOs, HRDs and media Campaigns October 2, 2019 El Salvador: Evelyn at risk of further criminalization Campaigns July 13, 2017 El Salvador: Further information: Woman convicted under unfair anti-abortion law investigate crimes against the LGBTI community. The law promotes occupational safety awareness, training, and worker participation in OSH matters. There is and IPR by conducting raids against distributors and manufacturers of pirated Nationals. OSACs reports, The Healthy Way, Minister of Justice and Public Security Gustavo Villatoro explained that many disappeared persons were victims of homicide, as criminals hid the bodies of their victims to avoid charges of homicide. The municipalities of Cacaopera and Yucuaiquin, in the eastern part of the country, have special laws to recognize their indigenous cultural heritage. However, its defenses against such an attack are thought to be weak. According to the DGCP, 94 inmates died between January 2020 and February 2021. It did not provide any significant public services. Legal experts identified overall issues with the legal system, pointing to an overreliance on witness testimony, as opposed to the use of forensics or other scientific evidence. password. of other state services. The government suspended visits to prisons in March 2020, which continued as of November. Regional "first class" or robbery, burglary, theft, and theft of vehicles) are the most All routinely recommended immunizations for the U.S. should be up to date. Comprehensive, up-to-date data on internal displacement was not available, but the NGO Cristosal counted 200 persons displaced between January and June. earthquakes. The CA-4 agreement between El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua allows for inspection-free travel of citizens of these countries using only an identification card, and may contribute to the ease of regional criminal travel. run the gamut from credit card skimming to homicide. Many cases continued beyond the legally prescribed period. (medevac). Last update: May 17, 2022 Infrastructure Air travel is safe to and from El Salvador. Authorities generally apprehended persons with warrants based on evidence and issued by a judge, although this was frequently ignored when allegations of gang membership arose. The soldiers from the Apolo Task Force claimed the victim attacked them with a firearm from his vehicle and that the soldiers returned fire. El Salvador On July 7, a PNC officer slapped a journalist in the face, claiming the journalist had entered a crime scene. CONAIPD reported employers frequently fired persons who acquired disabilities and would not consider persons with disabilities for work for which they qualified. El Salvador from becoming a major transit location. In 2018, the Government of El Salvador commissioned the National The CA-4 As of August 20, the Ethics Tribunal reported that it had opened 170 administrative proceedings against 240 public officials. shortages (particularly radios and vehicles) limit their ability to deter or Local law allows the police to detain individuals for up to 72 hours for administrative processing. The law prohibits workers from appealing a government decision declaring a strike illegal. Traveling with The government, however, did not enforce sexual harassment laws effectively. According to the Labor Ministry, employers in the agricultural sector routinely violated the laws requiring annual bonuses, vacation days, or rest days. In July, five former FMLN party officials were detained but were not immediately informed of the reason for their detention. crime incidents in El Salvador in 2019. Complete travel outside of cities and to Guatemala or Honduras during daylight hours and, if possible, with convoys for safety. The data was collected in 2019 but not disclosed until March due to difficulties caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.) property crimes. Review The presence of Lifeguards are not present counter-terrorism efforts. Indigenous communities reported they faced racial discrimination and economic disadvantage. homicide victims in 2019, down from 11% in 2018. An employer may legally suspend workers, including due to an economic downturn or market conditions. There were no published incidents of restaurant assault in 2018. are limited, and access to medical resources in these areas is inadequate. The law provides for access to the courts, enabling litigants to submit civil lawsuits seeking damages for, as well as cessation of, human rights violations. After President Bukele appointed three commissioners to the IAIP, the institute decided in December 2020 to postpone publication of the report. Review the State Departments webpage on security for LGBTI+ allows the police to detain individuals for up to 72 hours for administrative travelers should exercise caution, especially when expressing affection in Homicides accounted for 10% of all categorized The response time is often less than ideal because of heavy traffic in San Salvador. CHALCHUAPA, El Salvador, July 19 (Reuters) - Neighbors knew something was wrong in that squat green house when a young woman's screams pierced the quiet of their neighborhood in Chalchuapa, a small town about 80 kilometers (50 miles) from San Salvador, this nation's capital. 18.6% of Peruvians older than 15 years of age have been victims of crime. The law requires judicial and prison authorities to provide a video copy of the virtual trial to the defendants within 72 hours so they may exercise their right to defense. Salvadors gangs are not major narcotics trafficking organizations. The victims father said his two sons previously received threats from police, claiming the PNC officers planned the shooting and told him, We are going to kill your children.. As a practical matter, however, the Attorney Generals Office lacks a trained team of IPR investigators and prosecutors, and, in a country with limited resources and a high crime rate, IPR cases do not receive a high priority. Hotel Security. More to explore Page. There were no reports of anti-Semitic acts. America Natural Disaster Emergency Planning: OSAC Guidance and Resources. Practices, and Evasive Driving Some workers, such as bus drivers, bill collectors, messengers, and teachers in high-risk areas, reported being subject to extortion and death threats by gang members. During a 72-hour period from November 9 to 11, El Salvador tallied 46 U.S. violence directed against known targeted victims and targets of opportunity. and adults were exposed to forced begging, domestic work, agricultural labor, construction, textile industry, and street work. Osorio was charged on May 12 on two counts of femicide, a term used for killings that deliberately target women; prosecutors later added two counts of homicide. According to the Women Transforming Association, certain apparel companies violated womens rights through occupational-health violations and unpaid overtime. police officers to gain access to a home. Defendants have the right to free assistance of an interpreter. Emergency services are more readily available in the capital city than in outlying areas, but city facilities would be overwhelmed quickly in the event of a mass-casualty incident. public. Despite growing recognition of the importance of IPR, the piracy of all types of media, clothes, pharmaceuticals, and software, along with inadequate enforcement of cable broadcast rights, remain ongoing concerns. El Salvador does not appear to be a terrorist safe haven. Although usually non-violent, these public displays sometimes
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