For all questions please contact the AACAP Communications Manager, ext. C. financial security b. Jesse has just married a woman who has two adolescent daughters. D. Siblings are likely to be closer in families under economic stress than in affluent families. elderly people passing social roles on from one generation to another ensure social stability. C. Inducements constitute an undue influence if they alter a potential subjects decision-making processes, such that they do not appropriately weigh the risk-benefit relationship of the research. It's TRUE, because men may be more willing to adopt the stepfather role when biological fathers remain physically present in their children's lives because this signals fewer parenting responsibilities for the stepfather Which of the following statements is true of stepfamilies? D) athletic ability and school achievement; unknown, -Things like social skills, friendliness, and sense of humor; highly variable (B), Sarah is a popular teenage girl who has just been made captain of the cheerleading squad. Which of the following is the most likely result of the effects of divorce on a child in the United States? The greater risk for emotional and behavioral problems among foster care children could be because of the foster care placement itself. A. authoritative According to Peter Benson and his colleagues, which of the following statements does NOT describe a strength-based approach to social policy for youth? In a single act of unprotected sex, a teenage girl has a ____ risk of acquiring gonorrhea. Which group of women is most confident that they can maintain employment that would provide sufficient income for their families after divorce? Good Luck Brands reported a carrying value of its total inventory as of December 31, 2013, of $2,047.6 million; the corresponding figure for December 31, 2012, was $1,937.8. Which of the following statements about the fine more abilities of a 7-year-old is FALSE? moral judgment and empathy: Like coercion, undue inducement is easy for IRBs to determine. ___ is the heightened sense of self-consciousness in adolescence, described by David Elkind, Adolescents feel that they are invincible. Tutorial Letter 101 -Both- for PYC2602 - Studocu power is held by many competing groups that have access to government, so no single group is dominant. guess is that Don's parents are: A) not pursue a college education. This is an example of, The most important cognitive change in adolescence is improvement in executive functioning, which includes all of the following, EXCEPT. B) standards-based reform One potential explanation for the finding that gifted students who are integrated into regular classrooms have more positive academic self-conceptions than those in special classes is: f. Cash repayment of bank loan,$20,000. The distinction between authoritative parenting's positive outcomes for adolescents and authoritarian parenting's negative In large developing nations, the most socially significant mobility is. Based on Baumrind's classification of parenting styles, the best A. the conflict between her parents is covert. Psychology. All of the following benefit children with autism, EXCEPT. C. indulgent. Polygamy, polygyny, and polyandry are all forms of serial monogamy. Easy Quiz 1, Sociology - Family - Quizgoat If you were a betting person, what demographics would you bet best describe Everett? Some people were resistant to the technological and social changes associated with the Industrial Revolution. Which of the following statements concerning stepfamilies is correct? one woman and one man are married only to each other. D. older. Chapter 3- Childhood development Flashcards | Quizlet Question Complete 1.00 points out of 1.00 5 Which of the following statements concerning stepfamilies is true? In identity diffusion, crisis is ___ and commitment is ___, ___ is the status of individuals who have undergone a crisis and made a commitment, According to a 2009 study by the Kaiser Family Foundation, ___ account for the largest increases in media use in early adolescence. C. indulgent. Cameron does well managing his behavior, emotions, and thoughts. C. not changed the fact that adolescents continue to need the love, support and guidance of adults who care about them. B) things like social skills, friendliness, and sense of humor; highly variable D. living in a safe neighborhood, A. the quality of the parent-child relationships at home. D. Social support from relatives has been found to buffer the effects of living in a single-parent household. Answer the following statements true (T) or false (F) D. school experiences, Which of the following is least likely to be affected by genetic factors? Which sociological perspective emphasizes the integrative power of education in human society? Which of the following is characteristic of a society with a stable population growth? B. Which of the following statements concerning stepfamilies is true? Piaget's approach is a constructive one, which proposes that events seem to be uncertain/ambiguous to individuals until they respond and make sense of it. NOT They refer to remarriages in which the spouses have a child between them. D. how much time they have left to live themselves. A. hormonal surges of puberty A. As with anorexia nervosa, about _____ of individuals who develop bulimia nervosa eventually recover from the disorder, Research shows that the best treatment for anorexia nervosa in adolescent girls is. In the U.S. in 2009-2010, ___ of 6-11 year-olds were classified as obese. A. 2003-2023 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. a set of people related by blood, marriage (or some other agreed-upon relationship), or adoption who share the responsibility for reproducing and caring for members of society. norms governing everyday social behavior, the violation of which raises comparatively little concern. F 3. self-fulfilling. For Jews, God's true nature is revealed in the Torah. Childhood obesity has been linked to early puberty in girls. Men tend to have more experience initiating contacts. Ted and Tonya have been married to each other for 3 weeks. A. adolescents and their parents communicate in their native language. development are beneficial in all ethnic groups. The textbook states that _________ is the most critical influence on adolescents' adjustment. preconventional, conventional, and postconventional. Which of the following does your textbook define as a family? Elkind called this, Jessica is a ninth grader with a stain on her shirt. Which of the following statements about stepfamilies is true? B. attending a good school Inducements, like coercion, are always inappropriate, as they violate the ethical principle of respect for persons. Camilla is most likely in the ___ stage of moral development. D. restricting their activities so they avoid any mistakes. Unlock the answer question Which of the following does your textbook define as a family? Girls' adjustment problems to stepparent are more negative and last longer than boys What is the one clear advantage that single fathers have (over single mothers) in terms of raising their children? used to explain this difference? Are second (and third) marriages more likely, less likely, or equally likely to end in divorce, compared to first marriages? B. Fathers are more likely to be perceived as distant authority figures. The negative effects of father absence on boys are lessened if boys have: Custody of children after a divorce is comprised of two issues, which are: In terms of school achievement, drug use, and early pregnancy, stepchildren are most similar to children who: Which of the following statements about divorce and remarriage in the U.S. is FALSE? D) students in small schools are more likely to participate in school activities. A) the standing-on-the-shoulders-of-giants effect. D) increase of extracurricular activities. continue to block women and minority men from top management positions in the nation's industries. Stepfamilies are complex. Stepfamilies - Sociology of Family - iResearchNet Population growth is not a problem in all nations. Which of the following is not an example of the variety of approaches to family around the globe? isolated by feelings of guilt and anger. Denise's parents are likely to do all of the Sibling rivalry tends to decrease in middle childhood. C. less; more D. Social support from relatives has been found to buffer the effects of living in a single-parent household. C. even though authoritative parenting is less commonly used by ethnic minority families, its effects on adolescent Which of the following is an example of a crowd? Which of the following is considered a cultural universal? B. less busy B. Solved Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding - Chegg What onset age would Malique say is the likeliest indicator of alcohol dependence in later life? D) clique avoiders. B) rise of secondary education. D. how much time they have left to live themselves. In which of the following ways are Christianity and Islam similar? The exercise of power through a process of persuasion is known as. This stage is called, ___ involves creating a hypothesis and figuring out its implications. A. Fathers work longer hours than do mothers. The lifestyles of lesbians and gay men are not varied. About what percentage of divorces in the United States have remarried? Stepfamilies often use grandparents (or other family), clergy, support groups, and other community-based programs to help with the adjustments. D) the bird-in-the-hand effect. Which of the following statements regarding motor development in middle and late childhood is TRUE? Which of the following statements about courtship and marriage are true? Adolescents tend to be closer to their mother. Which of the following statements about family conflict is true? The former involves marriage to multiple partners at the same time; the latter involves marriage to the same partner at multiple points in time. NOT much higher Nationally, ________ percent of women have remarried within three years of having been divorced. Which of the following is BEST describes how parents of teenagers must manage their children's growing quest for autonomy and control versus their own desire to remain connected and informed? D) bring a lawsuit against her school for discrimination. B.ethnic minority families are less likely than White families to use an authoritative parenting style because they are less Started by Shenna. Alternatives (a) and (b) are therefore correct and the correct answer is (1). an economic system under which the means of production and distribution are collectively owned. Is Your Stepfamily One of These 3 Common Types? Adolescent peer groups fall along two dimensions: _____ and _____. The main advantage of defining a family in substantive terms is that there is no confusion about who is, and who is not, included in a family. a married couple, their children, and the husband's sister all living together in the same home, The Oneida community existed in New York State from 1840 to 1880, and its members were all married to one another-that is, all the men in the community were married to all the women, and all the women were married to all the men. A. family discussions in which decisions, rules, and expectations are explained. The quality of sibling relationships affects adolescents' peer relationships. Which one of the following statements is TRUE with regard to relationships in stepfamilies? He has many friends and is a high-achiever in school. B. F 2. Which of the following statements concerning stepfamilies is correct? Donna, a 33-year-old divorce with two sons, and Mark, a 50-year-old divorc with two daughters, become engaged and live together; although they are strongly committed to one another, they eventually decide not to get married. Please make checks payable to the AACAP and send to Campaign for Americas Kids, P.O. D. demanding. The determinants of sociometric popularity are ______, though the determinants of perceived popularity are _____. Researchers are increasingly finding that problem behaviors in adolescence, people pass through a fixed series of stages in moral reasoning, but many never reach the final stage or moral development. following types of discipline, except: C) adult orientation; peer orientation Which of the following is considered a major problem regarding homeschooling? Characteristics such as being introverted, anxious, or friendly are aspects of one's, children with high self-esteem have greater initiative. B. self-fulfilling. T 5. ADHD is a disability in which children consistently show one or more of the following characteristics, EXCEPT: Some experts believe ADHD is under-diagnosed in children. The use of contraceptives by adolescents increased from 46% in 1991 to ___ in 2009. incidence of diseases in a given population. B. family contextual transformations. An ecclesia does not exist in the United States. generally do not view government as their ally. direct competition. Stepfamily Problems - AACAP C) Cyberbullying has become statistically more common than physical and verbal harassment among the adolescent population. At times Jessica was even exposed to some domestic violence. Racontez au pass compos l'histoire de Julie et de Nicolas. D. midlife crisis of adults, C. intergenerational conflict with parents, Adults tend to be ______ when their children are adolescents than the past generation. C. greater alienation from school than other adolescents his age. C. intergenerational conflict with parents Which of the following is NOT one of the functions that William F. Ogburn argued the family provides? Strategies for improving early environments of children who are at risk for impoverished intelligence include all of the following, EXCEPT: The majority of people with mental retardation experience ____ retardation, Researchers have found that gifted individuals with world-class status in areas such as the arts, science, and sports all share. Research confirms that only children tend to be spoiled and selfish. Which of the following statements is true of stepfamilies? Jessica is likely to develop which of the following problems? The functionalist perspective maintains that. In girls, estradiol is a type of estrogen associated with all of the following, EXCEPT: The ___, responsible for reasoning, decision making, and self-control, doesn't finish maturing until the emerging adult years. A) Adolescents have an easier time adjusting to a stepfather if they have a good relationship with their biological father. B. sibling deidentification. Federal Title IX policies required schools to. He also shows signs of developing low self-esteem. In which way does Hinduism differ from other religions? A) Stepfamilies are not real families. significant alteration over time in behavior patterns and culture. D) clique-based; crowd-based. When a stepfamily is formed, the members may have no shared family histories or shared ways of doing things, and they may have very different belief systems which may include a different ethnic or educational background, or religion. Matt most likely will complain about, In service learning, students may engage in. Islam is the largest single faith in the world. D) parochial school, What is a policy that focuses on policies designed to improve achievement by holding schools and students to a predetermined set of standards measured by achievement tests? A. B. Facts sheets may not be reproduced, duplicated or posted on any other website without written consent from AACAP. . Steve then marries Rachel, and they get a divorce, too. T. 3. John has a son, Conner, who lives with them part-time. 13 - 79. Which of the following statements about stepfamilies is false It has been 10 years since Everetts divorce and he has remarried. D. sibling discrepancy. A. the quality of the parent-child relationships at home A. authoritarian. B. aggression Which of the following words does NOT relate to Piaget's formal operational state? Max tells his friends that his mother is a "real marshmallow" who does whatever he wants and who never enforces the rules she tries to set. She also supports his friendships by arranging frequent play dates in her home and elsewhere. B) Victims of physical or verbal harassment are usually very different from victims of cyberbullying. The worldwide increase in intelligence test scores that has occurred over a short time frame is called, after-school programs that emphasize drill and practice. On which of the following issues, however, is Mark most likely to side, According to Smetana, adolescents often judge keeping one's room clean and style of dress as _____, whereas parents tend to. -Mekwi gets poorer grades and behaves aggressively towards his classmates (C). 1277 Views; Which of the following statements defines divorce? B. less; more According to Kohlberg, in the ___ stage (s), moral thinking is tied to punishment, Carol Gilligan's central criticism of Kohlberg's theory of moral development is that, The moral perspective that views people in terms of their connectedness with others and emphasizes interpersonal communication, relationships with others, and concern for others is the. Which of the following statements about stepfamilies is true? Which child would be expected to have the most conflict with his parents? B) crowd orientation; clique orientation a sense of virility, personal worth, and pride in one's maleness. C) Impulsivity and technical know-how are the most common signs. A) liaisons. Taisha was discouraged from taking math classes throughout her high school years. A) middle and junior high schools are larger and more impersonal. B) isolates. C) community college and four-year college. sociology final Flashcards | Quizlet Cohabitation is least common among which racial or ethnic group in the United States? There are different types of stepfamilies, according to the text. B) miss the opportunity to pursue certain careers for which she may be well qualified. Which of the following is an example of an extended family? Which of the following statements about parent-adolescent conflicts is TRUE? For what reason did the New York State courts rule that a couple does not have to be married to adopt a child? Also, newly married couples may not have had much time together to adjust to their new relationship. She quickly takes her seat in the classroom because she "knows" everyone notices the stain. According to your textbook, which of these statements regarding gender roles is TRUE? B. Siblings may experience their family environment very differently. Which of the following is NOT a peer status? a sense of virility, personal worth, and pride in one's maleness. Which of the following statements about . B. adolescents and their parents communicate in English. 2 From a child's perspective, a stepfamily occurs when their biological or adoptive parent marries or lives with a non-biological parent (who may . A. are a noncustodial father and daughter discussing the divorce and his upcoming remarriage. They are often not very clear-cut. D) relational aggression, Which of the following is a common finding of recent cyberbullying studies? A. become less nurturing toward Denise. Select one: a. A. family decision making. Which of these statements about social change is true? Question 19 1 / 1 ptsWhich of the following statements is true about boundaries in stepfamilies? B. nonresponsive. D. Siblings are likely to be closer in families under economic stress than in affluent families. A. adolescents and their parents communicate in their native language. Polygyny is a social system in which women may have several husbands and in which women are more powerful than men. D) clique orientation: adult orientation, In early adolescence, ________ friendships are common, but in late adolescence, ________ friendships begin to occur more. Defining and Measuring the Complexity of Stepfamilies in the United adjust to this challenge. After they get divorced, he marries Janet, and when she dies, he marries Lorraine. all property is communally owned and no social distinctions are made on the basis of people's ability to produce. A. B) crowd-based; clique-based A) tracking If Max's statement is true, his mother is best characterized as: There has been a significant increase in childlessness. A. consistent. 10% B) middle school Luis's family has lived below the poverty level his entire life. This is an example of: Which of the following statements about family systems is correct? Today, women outnumber men at college commencements. B) middle school, junior high school, and high school. Research suggests that Luis is likely to experience all of the If you need immediate assistance, please dial 911. D. Adolescents perceive fathers as more controlling than their mothers. Muslims vary sharply in their interpretations of traditions. According to many well-designed studies that have looked at the psychological consequences of growing up with lesbian or gay parents: -Children and adolescents with lesbian or gay parents are not psychologically different from those with straight parents (B). positive efforts to recruit minority group members or women for jobs, promotions, and educational opportunities. Which type of aggression comprises a greater percentage of girls' overall aggression? Write your answers in the blanks provided. B) friendly fire aggression women Karl Marx believed that C. risk for suicide and depression Which of the following research findings best describes the phenomenon known as generational dissonance? Therefore, ethnocentrism fosters cohesion in a group. Which of the following statements is true about stepfamilies? Which of Gardner's eight types of intelligence includes the ability to think three-dimensionally? Which of the following is considered a shared environmental influence for siblings? Ethnocentrism is the tendency to assume that one's own culture and way of life represent the norm or are superior to all others. According to Piaget, the fourth and final stage of cognitive development beings in adolescence. Which function of friendship does their relationship fulfill. Women have often been excluded from medical studies. Individuals are never cured of addictions. D) None of these are correct. B. school guidance counselor The leading causes of death in adolescence include all of the following, EXCEPT: _____ is an eating disorder in which the individual consistently follows a binge-and -purge pattern. Which sociologist originally articulated the concept of the power elite? e. Other budgeted cash expenses, $45,000. These relationships of Steve's life are an example of. In general, the rate of divorce for remarriages is ________ than that for first marriages. C. the type of pants worn by Muslim men. Throughout the girls' childhood, the family has enjoyed fairly harmonious.
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