Yes, I saw the story in The Daily Mail about the facts about the international travel and passport, too. The special child was baby Archie and the future will reveal if Meghan helps Harry clean up his financial act, following her investment in Clevr latte drinks, promoted by Oprah Winfrey. As you explained that her Chiron connects directly to Harrys Moon, do these aspects affect him, too? What has just come to pass is deadly with its risks, though. Meghan is a Democrat asset; true. When you ask what they stood to gain by this interview, I think youve hit the nail on the head. My dad is a Londoner and my granny a poor Londoner through the war with a penny to rub together but they viewed the Queen like a god. Charles as King will have tremendous influence over Harry's life. Will she continue to be involved with M&H ? Thank you for your kind comments on the astrology Capricorn Effect predictions. She worked as a psychic medium for Diana, Princess of Wales and wrote a book about her experiences: Diana, The Last Word. I wonder what others think? Jessica, I feel terribly sad about the Duke of Edinburgh in particular, and that he should be put at risk like this during his longest ever stay in hospital. But then why were Meghans friends also unable to help? This is her little Russia joke made to everybodys favourite Pisces astronomer. I also think the timing with Prince Phillip in hospital is a curious issue he has been quoted as making very racists comments in the past (just Google them) Is the timing of the Oprah interview when he is in hospital some kind of revenge for this? Granny,looked after me,the best she could. I am no fan of the royal family and do believe they treated Diana appallingly. Hmmmm. At 7 PM Eastern time tonight, CBS will release an interview with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, conducted by Oprah Winfrey. Harry has chosen sides and thats that. Years ago, when I was looking at the Leo eclipses, it became evident that the War of the Roses chart was chiming with the charts of Harry and William. From when Meghan first appeared on the scene my Mum (15 December 1936) has said that every time she looks at her she sees Wallis. But Harry came off as a spoilt brat quite honestly & I wonder if meghans innapropriateness for the role as a royal was largely his fault. Wondering whether MMs chart at the time showed relevant stressful transits? I used to think Prince Harry might be James Hewitts son. I feel so at ease now that I am not the only one ( reading the other comments) that has a strange feeling about Meghan. I say with irony ! At this point, all royal heirs should be DNA-tested at birth, and, for those born pre-techonology, they should all be tested now, period. Its really not about racism at all as it happened to Diana in the past! but most media framed the story in the same way. Getting into character its called, before the script arrives. In terms of timing and lack of empathy, these are classic narcissistic /borderline personality behaviors. Hi Jessica, I have been following the comments keenly, as like so many, having firstly, been enthralled by the legacy of Diana and full of respect for her, and then the gut feel that something is not as it seems with Meghan. Thank you. (Do you remember the lovely news clip of the trio visiting a Harry Potter attraction when Kate was pregnant and them all larking about with laser wands? Their completely unconscious disregard of the real hardship and suffering going on in the world, whilst they pontificate and berate us for OUR privilege, telling us how to behave and what we should do to save the planet whilst they jet around for the sake of a meet-up for lunch, is utterly deplorable, but common among that type of egocentric out of touch celeb class. I have had dreams and strong intuition about things in the past but with Meghan Ive kept quiet and hoped I was wrong. Just wanted to make a further point. I agree with you; the interview is murky. Ive posted on that, in response to another reader. Having never been a royal watcher, I did watch the interview as I was interested & supportive in them pushing back against racism in the UK press, but like almost all your readers I was horrified by how Meghan & Harry came across, to me, as disingenuous in the extreme with very misleading statements calculated for maximum damage. Meghan, Harry and Oprah are rich and powerful enough to organise scheduling on CBS when they choose. And youre also not the first person to ask, if this is consciously done, or unconsciously! I think people are surprised by how deeply moved and saddened they have been by his loss. And lets hope that Her Majesty can find the strength to continue, even though she must have feared this was coming too. People are dying, people are losing their incomes, many people are trying to deal with mental health issues with no help whatsoever (my son included) and yet with all this going on we put our attention on Meghan and Harrys woes. Not that you can blame her! Lastly, you also read comments about Prince Andrew in the same story. A relative handful of notable men and women have profited handsomely in the last few years (multi-billionaires gaining billions, is strangely not hyperbole) my mind wanders as to how this came about. PS. Meghan is the bombshell designed to blast through the royal family, which is now forced to re-group. Okay, so we have to look at what shes actually done judging actions. Epstein was American. Also, do you think the Palace knows that she is a narcissist? How amazing that you have spotted that. All so fascinating! Just a quick note on protocol which we rather like here in the UK. Harry and Meghan met in July 2016 when they were set up on a blind date, per Insider. It's Megxit! I am very sad to hear the death of Prince Phillip. You and Piers Morgan were right, the interview should have been phosponed for a later date. Good riddance, I will save my compassion and prayers for those really suffering, who really need it, and my positive thoughts are with the Firm, and especially William and Kate and their children. What could this mean in real life examples? In February 2019 Jessica Adams shared her extraordinary insight that a virus would "disrupt the world" in 2020, and even mentioned the date the first victim died in Wuhan - January 10. As predicted in the Daily Mail interview with me on October 19th, 2020. The American side of the story has been in the charts forever, and in fact I remember filing a story on the Leo eclipses (Leo rules royalty) and hidden plots and plans, some years ago. So we can conclude that after 2021 both Harry and Meghan are likely to change their decision of leaving the British royal family. A vulnerable older duke recovering from heart surgery is made to endure an attack on his family, from his own grandson, in front of an audience of millions. Ukraine's interior minister among at least 14 killed in a helicopter crash. I think thats very obvious. Welcome to Lunar New Year Around the world, its time to celebrate the end of the old and birth of the new, in Asian astrology. James Bond was not a joke!, see todays Daily Telegraph He is the real-life spy master who oversaw British intelligence at the height of the 2017 terror attacks and the Salisbury poisoning a year later. He lost his mother, now he has lost his brother. I thought then that you probably knew he was going to pass soon. We have a lot of astrology informaton including Prince Harry Astrology 2021 data. Or if Meghan and Harry eventually divorce after their mission in America has finished and she does, in fact, take him to the cleaners. I said it once and Ill say it again: DNA test ,DNA test, DNA test Please! You will see tremendous changes as the Firm, firms up! I think a part of her does love Harry but he is also a means to an end. It goes beyond the couple or Oprah Winfrey and CBS. I have long believed that somthing was off about meghan, & to an extent, Harry. Im sure all you natural psychics reading this, will know exactly what I meant. As an American, Im really struck by the structual racism of Great Britian its in the structures of government (House of Lords) and culture the classism, the prejudice against those who dont have the right accent, the right color of skin, its in your economy and history. Youll immediately see Saturn 19 Capricorn, Venus 20 Capricorn, Pluto 21 Capricorn. I watched the interview , but half way through I really wanted to stop I did not , because I wanted to see how her role will end . No, not at all. WHY is what keeps coming up for me. Im wondering if Ghislaine Maxwell was actually the mutual friend who coordinated the so-called fated meeting between Meghan and Harry and if this is one of the many secrets she could be protecting (among all the others)? I started thinking about the sheer hatred Harry must be carrying to go to that extreme, & then remembered the old rumors that Major James Hewitt is his father, not Charles. That is quite a lot of information about Meghan Markle Ive not seen anywhere else. Prince Harry has clearly inherited Prince Charles close-set eyes who got it form his father, Prince Phillip. Or will she keep making money by uttering falsehoods? One of the most famous in the world. Thats all I can really say. Thanks also for Douglas as a pointer to the Isle of Man. In a few years time, all this will die down to a greater extent, perhaps? As someone who works in the entertainment industry, I have heard how Meghan Markle had her eye on Harry for a while. She could shock us all by 2026. I have some concerns about general health and wellbeing, as an astrologer, and if these two were your clients you would be talking to them about shedding and delegating at least 50% of what they are taking on board, as the mind, body and spirit can only keep going for so long, before there is an issue. And I will have an image search on the bike claim. One thing that then struck me in another readers comments was how the dates of their announcements coincided with royal family birthdays etc and I was struck by that level of vindictiveness. It does strike me that Royal ladies need strong support from their birth families. What is really interesting is that Oprah Winfrey (who the media alleges collected $9 million for the CBS special with Harry and Meghan) promoted Clevr lattes in such a spectacular way free of charge for Meghan in 2020. This was published before Harry and Meghans wedding. Her astrological chart is also singing in 2021. You feel five years, and the horoscope tells me that, just because this was a classic Mercury Retrograde in Pisces/Neptune in Pisces show. I intuitively feel that if the money runs out they could become more dangerous, as selling salacious revelations and more damaging recollections could be the most lucrative path offered to them. I didnt know Winfrey hounded Diana, Princess of Wales for an interview, either. Simone Simmons, back on October 8th 2018, predicted problems for Harry and Meghan and one or two children. I might have a look at that and update the Leo eclipse predictions which were made years ago. Although poor Harry is still in thrall of her, this surely will pall. I know that kindergarten in Pimlico, as I used to stay a few streets away, whenever I visited London. Meghans father? Diana married Charles on an eclipse. Not sure what the yellow press happens to be. There is very little social or economic mobility in Britian, so far as I can see, and theres a lot of people should know their place including the royal family and the darker people who marry into it. I was neutral about Meghan (even supportive at times) before but after the Oprah interview, the woman just sets my defences on edge. Rescue chickens? I remember reading all of your predictions at the tome and this follow up after tell all is very interesting. This all reminds me of James Bond, but also Maxwell Smart and 99. Just a quick comment on Princess Michaels broach. This is the crucial footage that the public has been tantalised with. Maybe give this info to your friends from yellow press as well. Was she that way introduced to young Harry. There have been numerous predictions about former actress Meghan Markle, her husband, Prince Harry, and their kids. She feels something is wrong with Meghans persona. In middle and later life she also became involved with charitable causes she cared about deeply such as AIDS and Landmines where she changed peoples opinions and brought about change in a way few other people could have. I am an Indian and as you must be aware, we believe in karma. As far as I know nobody has picked it up. Ill have to look at this again on YouTube. My question is: Valiant to the end. This is another interesting comment on the Commonwealth Commemorations. My grandfather was awarded the OBE by Her Majesty the Queen and I am currently feeling the emotional side of this discussion. And even if you resign, if people feel they are owed, they are not going to let you off lightly. Wow. Her interviewer, Oprah Winfrey, assuming the role of journalist, was also promoting her share investment in a startup drinks company a few months earlier. Im not changing anything about this feature. However, he does have to take some responsability in all this. The truth is often in plain sight during eclipses and the sign tells you the story. Lets see. Sympathy? I did not watch & I just could not watchIt does not make any sense for these people to risk their reputations by looking so small! I expect the pair will lose their titles no later than 2023 after the next North Node Taurus/South Node Scorpio cycle. Craig Hamilton-Parker has made a series of psychic predictions about the coming new year, including a rise in nuclear weapons, an end to the coronavirus pandemic, and the death of the reigning monarch. Right after their first date, she returned her engagement ring to the then husband, by Fedex! Such a sad twist in the tale that this interview ever happened. America has always been crazy for the two boys! I see the Daily Mail Meghan has a tab on the top of the page. His comments appear to be poorly informed or disingenuous. Your question about Harry seemingly being unable to help his wife with her depression is repeated by so many readers here. Whilst Meghan was supposedly feeling suicidal, where was Harry? Warning view at your own risk. Let me check. What will Meghans reception be like when / if she returns to visit the UK. There seems to have been, as you say, a visceral response. It is also possible that either Edward and/or Mrs Simpson is around the situation in spirit. We have to really look at it in isolation (when she was the divorced, single actress Meghan Markle) and then later, when she becomes the Duchess of Sussex, on her second marriage, and a new mother. I believe Meghans naivety is an issue but also her casual girl next door delivery of very toxic facts is really quite strange and disingenuous for me. It is the end of an era. Harry gets his colouring from the Spencer side of the family. My comment is just to thank you for your ongoing astrological reports on the Royal family and to say how touched I was by your tweet to Piers Morgan about where we could send well wishes to the Duke during his hospital stay. This bodes well for Meghan and Harry. MI5 will win. What a man, what a life ! Your previous explanation on the taurus streak in Meghans chart showing a deep desire for lucre in comparison with the Queens taurus sun which expresses genuine charity was fascinating we are now seeing the lucrative deals you mentioned in action. Jessica, I love love love reading your articles where you outline what predictions came true. The astrologer, Debbie Frank, told OK! I would love him to celebrate his 100th birthday and to receive an official centenarian message from the missus. This feels like a glamour. If you ran that company, you would be vigilant then. It remains to be seen what is in the unreleased footage and if, in fact, we will ever see it. I suspect they will however eventually secede from the succession and lose the right to use the official titles of Prince and Princess Harry (just as the Duke and Duchess of Windsor lost the right to use the official titles of King and Queen). Theres probably more you could say Jessica but thank you for doing this as its given me comfort as I have been so angry that others cant see through this manipulative pair. I just re-read your Leo 2017-2019 post. I have no idea whether the above statements are correct since.. His wife has pulled him into Hollywood and that was just not in army training, was it? There's been a lot of hype go into this so . For example, if Meghan was undergoing trauma to the extent she describes, why was Harry unable to help her? Lurid press accounts of the time, stated that she wore a figure of a blackamoor with ill intent. Read Tony Parsons in The Sun. I couldnt watch the interview. Thanks for all you do and keep on shining a light I found that Meghan used to consult with a psychic and given she is following what Diana was like, I think she has astrologers and psychics closed to them. Archies sister will be known as Lady..Mountbatten Windsor. The bigger picture is actually America, Britain, Epstein and Maxwell. She was the wife of the future King and the mother to the heir and spare. John Lamparski/Getty Meanwhile, Harry, 37, is a "triple Earth Sign king" with a Virgo Sun, Capricorn Rising and Taurus Moon. Best wishes !!! Frankly the pair disgust me. It surfaced again during this television show. The Scotland Astrology Chart to 2030 Back in 2018 I made some astrology predictions for Scotland, which you may remember reading. Those two years are a reckoning that can only happen every 19 years, and of course the North Node is also in Taurus, then. It up such a sad twist in the past feeling the emotional side of discussion! 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